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Core Java

2 - Declaration and Access Modifiers
  1. Java source file structure
  2. Class modifiers
  3. Member modifiers
  4. Interfaces
3 - Exception Handling
  1. Introduction
  2. Runtime stack mechanism
  3. Default exception handling in java
  4. Exception hierarchy
  5. Customized exception handling by try-catch
  6.  Control flow in try-catch
  7. Methods to print exception information
  8. Try with multiple catch blocks
  9. Finally
  10. Difference between final, finally, finalize
  11. Control flow in try-catch-finally
  12. Control flow in nested try-catch-finally
  13. Various possible combinations of try-catch-finally
  14. throw keyword
  15. throws keyword
  16. Exception handling keywords summary
  17. Various possible compile-time errors in exception handling
  18. Customized exceptions
  19. Top-10 exceptions 
4 - String
  1. Concept of String
  2. Immutable String
  3. String Comparison
  4. String Concatenation
  5. Concept of Substring
  6. String class methods and its usage
  7. StringBuffer class
  8. StringBuilder class
  9. Creating Immutable class
  10. toString() method
  11. StringTokenizer class
5 - Multithreading
  1. Multithreading
  2. Life Cycle of a Thread
  3. Two ways to create a Thread
  4. How to perform multiple tasks by multiple threads
  5. Thread Scheduler
  6. Sleeping a thread
  7. Can we start a thread twice?
  8. What happens if we call the run() method instead of the start() method?
  9. Joining a thread
  10. Naming a thread
  11. The priority of a thread
  12. Daemon Thread
  13. ShutdownHook
  14. Garbage collection
  15. Synchronization with a synchronized method
  16. Synchronized block
  17. Static synchronization
  18. Deadlock
  19. Inter-thread communication
6 - Collection
  1. Collection framework
  2. ArrayList class
  3. LinkedList class
  4. List interface
  5. HashSet class
  6. LinkedHashSet class
  7. TreeSet class
  8. PriorityQueue class
  9. Map interface
  10. HashMap class
  11. LinkedHashMap class
  12. TreeMap class
  13. Hashtable class
  14. Sorting
  15. Comparable interface
  16. Comparator interface
  17. Properties class in Java
7 - Regular expression


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