1 - Language fundamental
2 - Declaration and Access Modifiers
3 - Exception Handling
- Introduction
- Runtime stack mechanism
- Default exception handling in java
- Exception hierarchy
- Customized exception handling by try-catch
- Control flow in try-catch
- Methods to print exception information
- Try with multiple catch blocks
- Finally
- Difference between final, finally, finalize
- Control flow in try-catch-finally
- Control flow in nested try-catch-finally
- Various possible combinations of try-catch-finally
- throw keyword
- throws keyword
- Exception handling keywords summary
- Various possible compile-time errors in exception handling
- Customized exceptions
- Top-10 exceptions
4 - String
- Concept of String
- Immutable String
- String Comparison
- String Concatenation
- Concept of Substring
- String class methods and its usage
- StringBuffer class
- StringBuilder class
- Creating Immutable class
- toString() method
- StringTokenizer class
5 - Multithreading
- Multithreading
- Life Cycle of a Thread
- Two ways to create a Thread
- How to perform multiple tasks by multiple threads
- Thread Scheduler
- Sleeping a thread
- Can we start a thread twice?
- What happens if we call the run() method instead of the start() method?
- Joining a thread
- Naming a thread
- The priority of a thread
- Daemon Thread
- ShutdownHook
- Garbage collection
- Synchronization with a synchronized method
- Synchronized block
- Static synchronization
- Deadlock
- Inter-thread communication
6 - Collection
- Collection framework
- ArrayList class
- LinkedList class
- List interface
- HashSet class
- LinkedHashSet class
- TreeSet class
- PriorityQueue class
- Map interface
- HashMap class
- LinkedHashMap class
- TreeMap class
- Hashtable class
- Sorting
- Comparable interface
- Comparator interface
- Properties class in Java
7 - Regular expression
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