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Customized exceptions

Customized Exceptions (User-defined Exceptions)
Sometimes we can create our own exception to meet our programming requirements.Such types of exceptions are called customized exceptions (user-defined exceptions).
1) InSufficientFundsException
2) TooYoungException
3) TooOldException
     class TooYoungException extends RuntimeException
             TooYoungException(String s)
          class TooOldException extends RuntimeException
                 TooOldException(String s)
          class CustomizedExceptionDemo
                 public static void main(String[] args){
                 int age=Integer.parseInt(args[0]);
                         throw new TooYoungException("please wait some more time.... u will get best                                     match");
               else if(age<18)
                         throw new TooOldException("u r age already chance of getting                                          married");
                     System.out.println("you will get match details soon by e-mail");
1) E:\scjp>java CustomizedExceptionDemo 61
Exception in thread "main" TooYoungException: 
please wait some more time.... u will get best match
at CustomizedExceptionDemo.main(
2) E:\scjp>java CustomizedExceptionDemo 27
You will get match details soon by e-mail
3) E:\scjp>java CustomizedExceptionDemo 9
Exception in thread "main" TooOldException: u r age already chance of getting
 at CustomizedExceptionDemo.main(
Note: It is highly recommended to maintain our customized exceptions as unchecked by
extending RuntimeException.
We can catch any Throwable type including Errors also.


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